Monday, September 12, 2016

The Gay Turtle Project

A very interesting social media campaign using Twitter and YouTube to raise awareness about the homophobic issues arising in Turkey at absurd levels. With creativity, coupled with humor, Amnesty International teamed up with TBWA Istanbul to show the attitudes and true feelings of Turkish people towards homosexuality. In a video called Gay Turtle, customers are simply asked if they want to buy a turtle by an aquarium salesperson. As they go back and forth in dialogue, conversing about the turtle, the salesperson interrupts and says that the turtle is gay. In the video, it is apparent that the customers are befuddled and shocked by this discovery and no longer have any interest in buying the turtle. One customer unsympathetically said, "Give me a normal, non-gay, standard turtle."

With the use of two social media platforms, Amnesty International was able to communicate their message effectively and in a way that wasn't too controversial. It was a video simply advocating love for the person and a desire to see changes in the way this issue is approached. Towards the end of the video, two statistics are listed that pierce the heart: homophobia over the last five years have caused hundreds of hate crimes, and a total of 41 hate murders. What makes homosexuals any different from us besides the lifestyle that they have chosen to live? Nothing. At the end of the day it is about love for the individual. To be able to see the intrinsic worth and value of each person through the lenses of compassion and empathy. However, as a Christian I cannot leave out this point. I have talked about love for the homosexual, but when it comes to homosexuality, it is something that I am completely against. How is this possible? The same way a father or mother loves their child even though the lifestyle he/she has chosen is completely against their will. It is in this picture, that we find every person's (homosexuals and non-homosexuals alike) broken, love relationship with God. I believe that it will take a great deal of wisdom to rightfully deal with this thorny issue, humility to not let our views and beliefs have preeminence over the greatest ethic in life, and love to see them as no different than ourselves.  

Here's the video with the interactions between the salesperson and customers:
Gay Turtle YouTube Video


  1. Wow, I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I 100% agree with everything you said. It is absolutely ridiculous that someone wouldn't buy a turtle simply because it was "gay"... I didn't even know turtles could be gay. I think that posting about this on Twitter and YouTube effectively raises awareness to a cause that is so prevalent in today's society and will continue to increase into the future. Very insightful post!

  2. The Gay Turtle Campaign is a brilliant idea. It pokes fun at the absurdity of homophobia in a light-hearted, amusing way. I commend Amnesty International for their push towards social progression. I look forward to the day when all the people of the world aren't concerned on whether or not their turtles are gay.

  3. I love when marketing campaigns show their creative side in a fun way! This was a brilliant idea. I really resonated with the last sentence of the article and think this post was written in a very tactful way. Great job!
